Make sure you really know how much you will pay for fuel in the country you are going to. In general, US drivers pay less than drivers in most other countries. Let’s reserve the appropriate part of the budget for expenses related to fuel.
Important details
Familiarize yourself with the local traffic regulations long before entering the bus. First of all, find out which side of the road you are going to take, who has priority etc. The best sources of this type of information are the consulate or embassy of a given country or a current guide.
Contact your insurance company to see if your rental car abroad will be covered by your current policy. Make sure your coverage, regardless of the source, meets the minimum requirements for your country.
Bus rental is an increasingly popular option. Let’s not forget the map. Most of us rely on our favorite navigation application, but it can be an expensive solution in other countries, depending on our subscriber plan. In addition, coverage may not be identical in remote parts of the world. Therefore, a good solution will be an additional supply of maps. Renting a GPS device from a vehicle rental company is another good option. Let’s make sure the staff speak English if we don’t know the local language.
Renting a bus can increase the flexibility of any trip – whether for business or private purposes.
The right car rental company
Let’s ask a travel agent to help us find the right vehicle rental company. The bus should be adapted to the destination. Different companies serve different cities around the world. A travel agency can save time and effort of establishing cooperation with such a company. It will help to find the best rate and car for us. In addition, travel agents may know promotional rates and special programs that may not be public.
The cost of renting a bus
Vehicle rental companies usually charge four types of basic rates: a daily rate with a kilometer fee, a daily rate with a limited number of kilometers per day, a daily rate with unlimited mileage, and a rate that offers free mileage for a long time. Prices vary depending on the size and type of bus, but most companies rent economy, compact, intermediate and luxury cars. Agencies often offer special promotional rates, luck on weekends, but we must ask about them in advance. Other charges are also added to the rental price.
Car documents and requirements
All car rental companies require a valid driving license from the driver. Some companies check driver history and refuse to rent a vehicle if it has a bad history. An international driving license may be required abroad.
In addition, many rental companies require a large credit card to guarantee payment. This is a condition, even if you have a prepaid coupon or a company directly settling with a customer or corporation. Many companies require immediate credit approval before renting a bus, which can significantly reduce the remaining limit.
Alternatives to credit card payments
If you don’t have a credit card, most companies accept their own prepaid coupons issued by a designated travel agent. Some car rental companies require you to complete a questionnaire at your rental location during normal business hours to verify it.
Most companies will require a large down payment, which may exceed the estimated rental costs if you do not pay by credit card. They can also from drivers exceeding a certain age.
Drivers age
Usually, companies require drivers to be at least 18 years old, but in some cases it is even 25 years old. Customers less than 25 years old usually require a credit card and the rental rate may be slightly higher.
Similarly, seniors over a certain age may not be able to rent a car at some companies. Verify age restrictions when registering.
Number of Drivers
Many vehicle rental companies allow their closest relatives to rent a car to drive. Of course if they are the right age. However, some companies only allow the person who signed the contract to drive a car. Therefore, read the agreement carefully. This way you will know who can drive the car. The signatures of all drivers and their driving licenses can be rented by the company. There may be a charge for additional drivers.
Car rental confirmation
Travelers should always receive a voucher or confirmation from their travel agent before departure. This document should include the confirmation number, company name, vehicle rental, flight information and date. If the company is located outside the airport, a telephone number must be provided to contact to pick up the car. It’s worth following all these rules if you want your trip to be stress free.